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12:10 Karsten_vw: Glædelig jul ?
16:47 Stæger: Olietrykskontakt
22:03 t2pickup: jacob mener 411 kun er 1700 og 1800ccm ej 2000ccm
16:30 Gollum: stelnummer der starter med 134 hvad betyder det?
13:44 JAN_VW VW-BOBLE ØSTER TØRSLEV: gearkassekoder ??
09:13 Jacob: Findes Typ.4(411) med en 2,0 motor?
09:13 Jacob: finde Typ.4(411) med en 2,0 motor ?

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  wanted Norema tagbagagebærer

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(permalink) theovalguy Member
Skrev for 16 years siden | | | |
I like this rack who has a extra one for sale..I have been wanting one like this for a while and seem to miss out on them all the time.. so I will try to post a wanted advertisement.. comom guys I have helped you all a lot help fine me a rack for my car..I have the regular racks and I cannot ship them this one comes apart and I can send this in mail or have allan bring it to me when he comes to texas next time..
thanks guys and girls
john in texas
always needing split window and oval window beetle parts for my cars 1947 50 rag 51 rag 56 ragtop


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