Til dem der venter på nye film fra BugMeVideo, er der godt nyt.
Fam. Higgins er igang igen.
Her er et uddrag fra en mail derfra.
"It is a long story but land development in our area really threw a wrench in our video production the last few years. We are just now about to get back to shooting again. We are working on suspension at the present and then hope to move on to the rest. So check back in a few weeks and we will keep you up to date.
We are also working on a pay per view project so that you can just pay for a code and watch the videos immediately online."
Og de har stadig mod på at lave film til os gør det selv folk. Det er jo super :)
Så er der ønsker, så send dem en mail. Det kunne jo ske det kom med.