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12:10 Karsten_vw: Glædelig jul ?
16:47 Stæger: Olietrykskontakt
22:03 t2pickup: jacob mener 411 kun er 1700 og 1800ccm ej 2000ccm
16:30 Gollum: stelnummer der starter med 134 hvad betyder det?
13:44 JAN_VW VW-BOBLE ØSTER TØRSLEV: gearkassekoder ??
09:13 Jacob: Findes Typ.4(411) med en 2,0 motor?
09:13 Jacob: finde Typ.4(411) med en 2,0 motor ?

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theovalguy (theovalguy)

Member Since
January 1, 2004 (21 years)
texas usa
vws and finding you YOUR dream cars here in texas!!I love the hunt!!

User Activity

Recent Replies

  1. rust på cap User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  2. S: hjetebaglygter User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  3. Himmelstand til ovaler søges! User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  4. Købes kofangere til type 3 User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  5. K: 1963 Karmann Ghia script til bagklap User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  6. Tagbagagebærer User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  7. S: Gearkasse m. korte aksler User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  8. Hougaards Salgsside (Oval) User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 12 years ago
  9. randar wheels has a new wheel wanna see it? User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  10. porsche 912 nice ride at a bargain priced! User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.

Topics Started

  1. danes new toys.. coming from texas Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  2. karmann ghia bumpers complete us style Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  3. ok so i got this POS in my yard HELP me get rid of it Started: 16 years ago No replies.
  4. not vw but rare Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  5. well heres my stash Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  6. wanted Started: 16 years ago No replies.
  7. 1971 westy camper Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  8. new batch of buses 5 from a friend for me to sell. Started: 16 years ago No replies.
  9. tip ghia in texas usa ebay Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  10. anybody need a porsche 356? project Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
