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  For sale/ Porsche 356 b brakes

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(permalink) Allan_Wind Member
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
I have just purchased a complete set of porsche 356 brakes, i have the brake drums(front and rear) the shoes, backing plates, and the wheel cylinders.It will come with some new pads,2 new wheel cylinders and even the e brake cables still attached.I would have to go take pictures of them taken apart to show you in full detail as to whats there and condition,so email if interested.
John aka theovalguy
TEXAS!!! can ship for free in one of allan wind and my busses that will soon be coming that way..or you an pay shipping and they will leave as soon as the bank clear your payment.. if you do not know of me just ask.. a lot of people here know me bye now.. the only crazy ass americans that cannot read a lick of danish.. 7000dkk and i am willing to trade some parts towards that maybe so make me a offer with trade or cash..
Thanks guys and Mette.. yes I know theres a female on here too.

Type 1 1956 Ragtop, Karmann Ghia Coupe 1957, Karmann Cab 1957 + (1963 Stingray :-)
(permalink) Allan_Wind Member
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
OOPS email john at or allan but its my stuff and I would hate to bother him.all the time anyways..
Type 1 1956 Ragtop, Karmann Ghia Coupe 1957, Karmann Cab 1957 + (1963 Stingray :-)
(permalink) B_H Member
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
Hej alan og john dem vil jeg gerne købe.
Kan i sende billeder til
hilsen brian
Brian Hansen
54 oval, 911T/E 72, 411L 69
(permalink) B_H Member
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
hi allan and john i want to buy the 356 b brakes.
send pic. to
Brian Hansen
54 oval, 911T/E 72, 411L 69
(permalink) theovalguy Member
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
Brakes are sold ,or i have a sale pending with brian hansen,just wanted to let evryone know.If i need to find you a set, i can try..
always needing split window and oval window beetle parts for my cars 1947 50 rag 51 rag 56 ragtop
(permalink) theovalguy Member
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
hey guys I have another set but they are A brakes.. but all used parts have axles in the rear and spindles in the front.. any takers.. price is about the me for pics.. remeber i know NO danish so please type english or get ahold of allan he can help me understand..
thanks and thanks allan.
always needing split window and oval window beetle parts for my cars 1947 50 rag 51 rag 56 ragtop
(permalink) Farmer Member
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
John I have a buyer for the A brakes.
He will contact you ASAP.
(permalink) theovalguy Member
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
got it thanks farmer..
always needing split window and oval window beetle parts for my cars 1947 50 rag 51 rag 56 ragtop


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