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  1958/9 bus cutting for parts to save others.. what do you need

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(permalink) theovalguy Member
Skrev for 17 years siden | | | |
1958/9 bus cutting for parts to save others.. what do you need rear corneers are nice and have other pics just askk,want to part out soon and can ship in a bus soon..

always needing split window and oval window beetle parts for my cars 1947 50 rag 51 rag 56 ragtop
(permalink) theovalguy Member
Skrev for 17 years siden | | | |
can you say WOOF WOOF rough huh..
always needing split window and oval window beetle parts for my cars 1947 50 rag 51 rag 56 ragtop
(permalink) HNC Member
Skrev for 17 years siden | | | |
Yes: WOOF WOOF rough huh.. ;-)
61670903 / henriknc(denduvednok)
(permalink) SorenJ Member
Skrev for 17 years siden | | | |
John, please send more pictures of that bus. Their might be some parts i can use even through it's almost shame cutting up such a nice bus.

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Ring: 28118212
(permalink) theovalguy Member
Skrev for 17 years siden | | | |
nice bus your kidding right? this thing is double live gonzo shitbox..nothing not rusted.. I have a cheap kinda rusty westy if you want something cool and cheap to build,,thats a rare bus I wouldsell cheap.. needs title but that can be done..
cya pic tommorrow but it will be getting butchered by then.. better hurry and tell me what you need.
always needing split window and oval window beetle parts for my cars 1947 50 rag 51 rag 56 ragtop


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