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  OFF TOPIC Peanut Brittle Recipe 3

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(permalink) Anonymous Unregistered
Skrev for 15 years siden | | | |

This might be hard for some to understand, but it tastes fantastic and is kind of a retro candy. Thought I would share the recipe, I will actually try to make it for my upcoming Åben Garage.

For this candy put over the fire one cup and a half of sugar, half a cup of glucose and two-thirds a cup of water; stir till the sugar is dissolved and wash down the sides of the saucepan as in making fondant; cover and let cook three or four minutes, then uncover and let cook without stirring to 275 deg F. (or until when a little is cooled and chewed it clings but does not stick to the teeth); add two level tableshpoonfuls of butter and half a pound of small, raw, shelled peanuts, from which the skins have been taken, and stir constantly until the peanuts are well browned; add a teaspoonful of vanilla extract and a level teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in a tablespoonful of cold water, and stir vigorously. When the mixture is done foaming turn it onto a warm, oiled marble or platter and, as soon as it can be handled, pull it out as thin as possible. With a spatula loosen it from the marble in the center and turn the sheet upside down and pull again as thin as possible. Break into pieces. To remove the skin from the peanuts, cover the shelled nuts with boiling water, let boil once, drain, cover with cold water, and push off the skins. The small unroasted Spanish peanuts give the best results.


(permalink) Thomas 356 Member
Skrev for 15 years siden | | | |

også kaldt Brændte mandler på dansk ;O)

(permalink) Anonymous Unregistered
Skrev for 15 years siden | | | |

? never seen it in DK, these are large chunks.

Just added a picture.

(permalink) Rasser Member
Skrev for 15 years siden | | | |

Snickers meet Daim ?

1966 Type2, 1957 Karmann Ghia
(permalink) Tine Member
Skrev for 15 years siden | | | |

Damn Coty, you are getting old fast... Shering recipes on the internet :o(
And it aint CITRONMÅNE, are you holding FAMILIEJOURNALEN too...


(permalink) kew Member
Skrev for 15 years siden | | | |

when is this Åben Garage... ?

Mail lhs AT kews . dk Mobil 40 790 356
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(permalink) Thomas 356 Member
Skrev for 15 years siden | | | |

aha brændte mandler hvor man har gelmt og røre i gryden ;O)

(permalink) Anonymous Unregistered
Skrev for 15 years siden | | | |

yep sunlolly, making a sweater right now, and then to bed to read Se og Hør § hehehehe

KEW , not sure, more fun if it was spring, when the cars are out and driving.


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