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16:47 Stæger: Olietrykskontakt
22:03 t2pickup: jacob mener 411 kun er 1700 og 1800ccm ej 2000ccm
16:30 Gollum: stelnummer der starter med 134 hvad betyder det?
13:44 JAN_VW VW-BOBLE ØSTER TØRSLEV: gearkassekoder ??
09:13 Jacob: Findes Typ.4(411) med en 2,0 motor?
09:13 Jacob: finde Typ.4(411) med en 2,0 motor ?
09:15 iversen20: Buggy

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RoadHog (RoadHog)

Member Since
March 9, 2009 (15 years)
vw fords minis coffey surfing

User Activity

Recent Replies

  1. afgift type 3 User last replied: 5 years ago. No replies since.
  2. Motorbygger på Sjælland User last replied: 6 years ago. No replies since.
  3. Vw type 4 User last replied: 6 years ago. Most recent reply: 6 years ago
  4. Type 4 User last replied: 6 years ago. No replies since.
  5. Vw type 4 User last replied: 7 years ago. No replies since.
  6. Dele til 2.9L Type motor sælges. User last replied: 7 years ago. No replies since.
  7. Bugjam User last replied: 7 years ago. No replies since.
  8. Cola bus User last replied: 7 years ago. Most recent reply: 7 years ago
  9. Sælges 2332 turbo motor User last replied: 8 years ago. Most recent reply: 8 years ago
  10. Engine parts...Vw type1 User last replied: 8 years ago. No replies since.

Topics Started

  1. Vw type 4 Started: 6 years ago Most recent reply: 6 years ago.
  2. Type 4 Started: 6 years ago No replies.
  3. Vw type 4 Started: 7 years ago Most recent reply: 7 years ago.
  4. Bugjam Started: 7 years ago No replies.
  5. Cola bus Started: 7 years ago Most recent reply: 7 years ago.
  6. Engine parts...Vw type1 Started: 9 years ago Most recent reply: 8 years ago.
  7. Roadhog back with with a new engine Building the Roadhog way... Started: 9 years ago No replies.
  8. New owner paper.. Started: 9 years ago Most recent reply: 9 years ago.
  9. 1960 Started: 9 years ago No replies.
  10. Msd-6 Started: 10 years ago Most recent reply: 9 years ago.
