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12:10 Karsten_vw: Glædelig jul ?
16:47 Stæger: Olietrykskontakt
22:03 t2pickup: jacob mener 411 kun er 1700 og 1800ccm ej 2000ccm
16:30 Gollum: stelnummer der starter med 134 hvad betyder det?
13:44 JAN_VW VW-BOBLE ØSTER TØRSLEV: gearkassekoder ??
09:13 Jacob: Findes Typ.4(411) med en 2,0 motor?
09:13 Jacob: finde Typ.4(411) med en 2,0 motor ?

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(permalink) Anonymous Unregistered
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
Why is it that my log in is gone sometimes and I have to log in again ??
Sometimes I am logged in for days and then suddenly I have to log in =?

And Dan, would it not be better to have links open in a new window so that vwnettet is always on the desktop ?
(permalink) Dan Rockstar
Skrev for 18 years siden | | | |
Hehe Coty,

YankieBar skrev:
Why is it that my log in is gone sometimes and I have to log in again ??
Sometimes I am logged in for days and then suddenly I have to log in =?

The autologin is dependent on your IP, I have implemented a bit security routines on this matter, so cookie snatchers cant use your cookie... If you have dynamic IP's on you internet line that would make the login timeout...

YankieBar skrev:
And Dan, would it not be better to have links open in a new window so that vwnettet is always on the desktop ?

Hehe Mette wrote a post about it earlier, Im into learning people to surf the net, and use the "Open in a new window/tab/etc" functaionality...


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